• Jan 28, 2023 | By: Twyla Erickson
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Job Interviews with Multiple Interviewers

Job interviews with multiple interviewers are increasingly becoming more common. It may seem overwhelming. Especially if you have never been to an interview with multiple interviewers. In typical job interview with multiple interviewers it is good to remember, they have been where you are. They each interviewed for their job and had to interview with multiple interviewers. They understand how you feel. By remembering that you may be less nervous and more able to concentrate on the interview. The interviewers will take turns asking questions. Often the questions will be divided up into two categories, knowledge needed for the job and technical skills. Each interviewer will take one of those categories. At the beginning of the interview they will probably tell you which category they are each taking. Eye contact is important. When providing your answer look at the person who asked you the question but don't ignore the other individual. They may also be taking notes. If they aren't they will notice how well you can talk to them both individually and together. If you have problems making eye contact you can look just beside their head instead. Questions can be challenging especially if you are nervous. If one of the interviewers asks you a question you are not clear on it is okay to asked them to reword the question, expound or ask if you can come back to it later. By doing either of those it show you are wanting to provide a clear and well thought out answer. At the end of the interview the interviewers may ask you if there is anything you want to add. Take this opportunity to expand on any answers you have provided. You can mention additional projects you worked on that would relate to the position you are interviewing for. You can mention success rates or workplace accomplishments you hadn't mentioned. Job interviews with multiple interviewers can seem daunting but when you take it in stride you can do very well.

  • Poonam
    02 Dec,2022

    Hello how are you?

    • By Admin
      02 Dec,2022

      I am fine.

  • Vaishakh Patel
    23 Dec,2022
